A Letter from our President & CEO,
Sister Barbara AnnI am deeply grateful for the Center’s blessings through the past and to our staff, families, and contributors for making them possible. Our staff is especially to be commended. Caregivers and teachers in the Child Care Center continue to go beyond normal limits of a good job, more than just maintaining our Keystone STAR 4 rating. Senior caregivers daily engage our elderly in a respectful, compassionate manner.
What especially delights me are the intergenerational connections. When I was a child in my large family, older adults in the neighborhood were a constant part of our lives. I’m sure our parents were glad to get periodic calls when one of us was out of line or to commend good behavior. “Family” stretched far into the neighborhood. Today this seldom happens. Even grandparents can live in distant cities. But at Seton Center, caring relationships develop among children and seniors. Family grows and all of us benefit.
Fostering intergenerational activity comes naturally from my immediate family and from my Seton heritage. Mother Seton was widowed when her children were young. She had to struggle: raising them, teaching other children both to support her family and to share the Gospel, and eventually engaging young women and forming them into our Sisters of Charity to extend her work. It was all forged in Charity – love lived amidst everyday challenges and opportunities. As with Mother Seton, “family” empowers all of us.
I am deeply grateful for the work and commitment of each of Seton’s 100+ staff members. I am grateful to all of you, our friends and supporters who help carry our work into the future. I am honored to share our mission with you.
Sister Barbara Ann Boss, S.C.
President & CEO of Seton Center
Our Staff
Sister Barbara Ann Boss, SC
President & CEO
Mary Ann Heneroty
Chief Financial Officer
Jamie Hudzik
Director of Development
Kate Shanahan-Smith
Outreach Coordinator
Michele Werme
Intergenerational Coordinator
Nicole Wysocki
Director of Child Care
Beth Kollinger
Infant/Toddler Coordinator, Brookline
Linda Godesky
Preschool Coordinator, Brookline
Nora Miller
School Age Coordinator, Brookline
Paul Faye
School Age Coordinator, Whitehall
Blake Nieri
Director of Senior Services, Brookline & Overbrook
Kimberly McKinney
Adult Day Services Coordinator, Greensburg
Karen Cypert
Ombudsman Coordinator, Westmoreland County