Senior Centers

Life in Progress

Senior Center

senior center activities

Life in Progress

Elizabeth Seton Center is committed to offering inviting opportunities to Pittsburgh's senior citizens, ones that enhance their quality of life and equip them with resources to cope with the challenges of aging gracefully.

The Senior Centers in Brookline and Overbrook provide a variety of services to over 250 area seniors (aged 60 and over), including socialization, educational programs, physical exercise, outings, and access to additional senior resources.

Both of our centers are clean, cheery, comfortable, and easily accessible. A healthy, balanced lunch is available daily. Special social opportunities mark holidays and special occasions throughout the year including special celebrations during Older Americans Month in May. 

Information and Referral Specialists

When specific needs arise, especially on various challenges in aging, our well trained and certified Information and Referral Specialists direct our seniors and others from the neighborhood to resources throughout Western PA. Our staff, including a nurse on duty daily, also offers assistance and non-therapeutic counseling to those with specific health issues.

Services throughout Allegheny County

The Centers are hubs for various services through Allegheny County Department of Human Services Area Agency on Aging (AAA), such as food vouchers, referrals to other agencies, transportation information, and other services.

These activities and resources enable them to continue living independently as well as growing as individuals and participants in their communities.

Our Brookline building is also an emergency shelter in times of intense cold or heat.

Interested in one of our Senior Centers for yourself or loved one?

We invite you to come tour our facility, meet our staff, and explore the activities we provide. Call us at 412-344-4777 to schedule or fill out our registration form and we will be in touch.

Brookline Center, Pittsburgh

1900 Pioneer Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15226


Monday - Friday
8:00AM to 4:00PM

Overbrook Center, Pittsburgh

2199 Dartmore Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15210


Tuesday - Thursday
10:00AM to 2:00PM

senior center activities
senior center activities
senior center activities
senior center activities